Zirkelbach demonstrates true selfless service

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

     The Primary Elections are coming soon and I urge everyone to exercise their right to vote and participate in the election process.

     Jon Zirkelbach is on the ballot for re-election as the Jones County Supervisor and deserves your vote. Jon is completing his first four-year term as a supervisor and has performed in an exemplary manner. He is extremely conscientious and caring and has consistently placed the needs of the residents of Jones County over and above his own.

     Jon has spent many hours visiting with residents and businesses to determine their concerns and insure that he is in tune with the best interests of his constituents. In addition to his time and energy, Jon has personally born considerable expense by using his own transportation without expecting reimbursement; evidence of a true public servant. And, in addition to his other fine traits, and perhaps the most important, is that he has no personal agenda. He fully understands the crippling effect of a personal agenda on public service. Personal agendas get in the way of objectivity and have no place in the public service arena.

     Remember Jon Zirkelbach has clearly illustrated his selfless dedication to service. I highly recommend that you permit him to continue that service by voting for Jon on June 5.

Clyde Meyer

Monticello, Iowa



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