Starlighters offers classes for kids

     Starlighters Theatre Kids is introducing its second program for kids starting Saturday, Jan. 28, from 10 a.m. to noon. This is a free program. No registration is needed.

     Participants must be able to sustain focus on activities, attention to the facilitators, and maintain good behavior for two hours of varied activities. This class is for kids; not intended for high school age or above.

     The basic curriculum is from “Beat” by Beat Press and explores theatre through focused drama games. We will also explore monologues and short scenes as the class progresses.

     The Starlighters’ Storytime will be included in the first hour on the second Saturday of the month. This is open to younger kids who would not ordinarily be interested or able to participate in the class. The second hour will continue theatre games connected with the story for the regular class participants.


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