Here’s to new beginnings

Hannah's Haven
Hannah Gray
Express Intern

     It’s funny how every time your birthday comes around there’s always that one person who asks, “Do you feel a year older?” even though I still feel as old as I did when I was 11, except with more responsibilities and a slightly better taste in clothes.

     Growing up means getting used to change, from going off to college to watching those you went to school with getting married and have kids. Sometimes those changes are hard but part of getting older means learning how to smile with tears in your eyes.

     One of the most difficult changes I’ve had to face was when my best friend joined the Army.

     It was the year I graduated high school and my friend, Abbey, was getting ready to leave to go to basic training. Her family was also moving to Madison, Wisconsin, so that meant she wouldn’t be a short five-minute drive away anymore.

     Her ship date was June 4, 2017- also the day of my graduation party. I couldn’t be prouder of her and her accomplishments, but the moment I saw her getting up to leave my party I couldn’t help but get teary eyed.

     I knew nothing would be the same without her by my side at every moment. However, I was filled with happiness for her. I’ve always known she was destined for great things and I knew this was something she’s wanted to do for a long time. Not to mention my swollen eyes and the mascara running down my face made for a great conversation starter with the guests at my party.

     I’m a strong believer in taking chances. I always think about when I’m 80 years old, what’s going to be cooler- telling my grandkids I played it safe by doing things the way most people do it or telling them about all the crazy risks I took when I was young?

     In my first column, I talked about my dad moving to Oregon for a job. Little did I know, a year and a few months later another life changing event would occur.

     In mid-June, I was contemplating taking this upcoming fall semester off school to travel or do an internship out of state. I started writing out my options and then I came to my decision. Instead of taking the semester off or doing an internship, I chose to apply to the University of Oregon, two days before the final deadline.

     After a long wait, I was recently accepted in and this fall I’ll officially be an Oregon Duck!

     As the time gets closer, I’m starting to take in some of the last moments I’ll have living in Iowa for a while. Saying goodbye to friends and family won’t be easy, but I also couldn’t be more excited to start at the U of O.

     Here’s to new beginnings!



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