Bowman seeks re-election to Senate

     Senator Tod Bowman, a teacher at Maquoketa High School, has announced plans to seek re-election to the Iowa State Senate in District 29. District 29 includes Jackson County, Dubuque County (excluding the City of Dubuque), and the south and eastern portions of Jones County (including the towns of Martelle, Morley, Onslow, Oxford Junction, Olin, Stone City, and Wyoming).

     “As the only active K-12 teacher in the State Senate, I believe my first-hand experience in the classroom is important when we are making policy and funding decisions about Iowa schools,” Bowman said. “We’ve done a lot to improve Iowa’s educational system over the past few years. We’ve increased our investment in our K-12 schools and our worker training programs at our community colleges.”

     As a teacher who works with high school seniors, Bowman says he knows how different it is for middle-class families to afford college for their child and is committed to a tuition freeze at state universities.

     Bowman said he’s encouraged that Democrats and Republicans in the legislature have set aside partisan differences to take significant steps to raise academic standards in Iowa and have begun to address the important issues of transportation infrastructure.

     Bowman added, “I’m very proud of my ability to work with my colleagues across the aisle to pass bi-partisan legislation. We must continue to work together and also gather feedback on how this legislation is working. I’ve held public forums with my colleagues in the House and Senate all over the district this year. We’ve reached out to Iowans to get their input, answer questions and address concerns they have with new and existing laws. I believe these forums are an important link between citizens and the legislature.”

     Tod Bowman is 52. He and his wife, Renee, live in Maquoketa. They have three children: Baeu, Levi and Addie.

     Senator Bowman said his campaign will focus on bringing better-paying jobs, revitalizing small towns and rural areas, ensuring Iowa provides the best education in the country, and creating a quality of life that makes Iowa the #1 best place to live.

     “I believe that to properly represent your constituents, you need to listen to them,” said Bowman. “That’s why I encourage anyone to call me anytime at my home (563-370-2422) or e-mail me at


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