Oxford Happy Hustlers

     The regular meeting of the Oxford Happy Hustlers was held on Sept. 2, 2018 at 1 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.

     The meeting was called to order by President Nicole Guenther. Roll Call was: “What is your favorite thing to wear?” All members answered. Two members, one guest and two leaders were present. Committee report was State Fair by Lillian Strait. Treasurer’s report was given by Lillian Strait. Secretary’s report was given by Lillian Strait

     Old business – booth comments

     New business – National 4-H week is Oct. 1-5. Donation to the church is $20. Lillian Strait moved to pay the church, seconded by Nicole Guenther. Motion carried. Installation of new officers will be Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. at the Midland elementary school. Reenrollment is after Sept. 1. Election of officers: president - Lillian Strait, Secretary/reporter - Nicole Guenther, Treasurer - Alexis Payne, Historian- All the club.

     Motion to adjourn the meeting by Lillian Strait seconded by Nicole Guenther.

– Lillian Strait, reporter


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